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activities and things to do for young learners click here for information about our residential accommodation in the centre of London click here for information on the programme dates and prices
The organisation

The Home Group 6 programme is co-ordinated and run by International Language Homestays.

ILH is the largest and most professional language homestays organization in the world, whose founder established this original approach to language learning in the early 1980’s. Today no-one has more experience in this specialist form of language training.

ILH is a member of ABLS (The Association of British Language Schools) and is accredited by The Accreditation Body for Language Services; it is recognized by the British Tourist Authority and the Home Office.


‘The teacher was perfect!’
Julie, 16, France
‘I learned such a lot of new things in the lessons’
Francesca, 14, Italy
‘I hope i am going to do this again. I am going to have Patsy as a teacher again’
Even, 13, Norway
‘The family were very funny and they also helped me if needed. I've had two wonderful weeks here and I’ve met nice people who I'll never forget. The people who took care of us were also very welcoming and nice’
Armand, 14, Spain
© International Language Homestays 2018